Our 3D scanning system is now up and running meaning that you can have life-like 3D figurines of yourself made on our 3D printer. The system is very easy to use, simply stand within it and in less than a second a full 360 degree scan can be completed. Once we have this information we can begin processing it and start the process of creating your 3D figurine.

This is the part of the process that does take a little time given the detail required to make such life-like models. Generally speaking your model will be processed, printed and sent out to you by post within two weeks and that’s not too long to wait for something this good!

Get perfect 3D figurines of yourself

Whether you want a figurine of yourself to give someone, a 3D family portrait, or even to immortalise a favourite pet, our system is perfect for you.

Take a look at How It Works and Contact Us to make an appointment to get your own life-like miniature figure made. Or you can book our Mobile 3D Scanner to come your event.

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